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Yuval Dvir


A Business Transformation leader with hands-on experience on how to manage technology, people, data and products to lead real change, innovation and growth in global organizations.

Yuval is experienced in building and leading high performance teams through the challenges organizations face when dealing with digital transformation, scale and innovation. By leveraging technology, human behaviour and the cultural dynamics in the workplace, his teams drive a habit and behavioural change that promotes a more holistic, data-driven, user centric and agile mindset in people, leading to a scalable and sustainable growth for the organization.

Currently at Google, Yuval has previously led the global business transformation at Skype and Microsoft, paving the way to the change of culture and significance grow of Microsoft in the following years.

Yuval holds a BSc from the Technion – Israel's Institute of Technology, an MBA from INSEAD Business School in France and Singapore and an MSc in Applied Neuroscience from King's College London.

Latest Articles


When Tenure Turns against you

Published on 08/08/2018 under Leadership, Organisation Development, Personal Development,

“The only thing worse than an employee who quits and leaves is an employee who quits and stays.” This old saying provides a good preface to the entire debate on tenure, loyalty and everything in between. In this post, I examine the background and trends of employee tenure over the century and argue, that while […]


Confronting Complexity, a VOIP example

Published on 08/08/2018 under Change Management, Leadership, Organisation Development

Growth creates complexity, and complexity is the silent killer of growth. With this opening to their article on the founder’s mentality, Chris Zook and James Allen highlight the importance of having an owner’s mentality, a frontline obsession and an insurgency mindset in order to curb complexity as the organization grows. Throughout my career I always saw complexity as […]


We need to Change the way we Change – Insights from the 8th Global Drucker Forum

Published on 08/08/2018 under Change Management, Innovation/Creativity, Technology

It was the second time I attended the forum in Vienna (this time via the online stream) where fans of the late Peter Drucker discussed anything management in the age of digital and constant change. With thanksgiving weekend providing a welcoming calm to my inbox, I could summarize some insights and thoughts from the forum […]


Quantuam Startsup Sandbox AQ spins off

Wix & Google Strategic Partnership

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