Mette Johansson, CSP
Mette Johansson worked in leadership roles across Asia and Europe for multinational corporations for over 15 years before she founded MetaMind Pte Ltd, a training consultancy, which provides learning programmes in leadership, people and communication skills. Learning programmes frequently include modules on Authentic Leadership, Executive Presence and Intercultural Intelligence. Clients include large MNCs such as Citibank, Microsoft, Barilla and UPS, as well as mid-sized ones. MetaMind won the “Best Leadership Development 2020” award from APAC Insider.
As an authentic leader herself, Mette speaks internationally on how to become a true leader: the leader who we follow not because of their position, wealth or title – but because we are inspired to follow them. Her KeyNote speeches include: "Authentic Leadership – Unmask The Leader Within" and "Be Inspired to Inspire".
For more than 20 years, Mette has studied leadership, motivation and engagement. Her bestselling book "How to Make Yourself Promotable: 7 skills to help you climb the career ladder" describes some of these skills, and more.
Mette is a recipient of the AmCham HERo award, the Asia Women Icon Award, Golden Door – REX Karmaveer Medal, and Insight Magazine’s “50 Most Promising Women in Business” award. She has been featured in a range of media – both representing her business, as well as in her capacity as the founder of KeyNote – incl. Singapore’s flagship paper The Straits Times, the Asian Entrepreneur, BFM, Money FM 89.3 and Harper’s Bazaar.
Having lived, studied and worked in 11 countries, Mette is a global citizen who speaks fluently in four languages and now calls Singapore home.
Contact me
[email protected]
"Mette is an exceptional speaker, trainer and author. She has a rich background in the corporate world and an entrepreneurial energy and vision."
– Daniel Priestley, Professional Speaker, 4-times best-selling author, CEO of Dent
"I can highly recommend that you contact Mette to speak on leadership that delivers better results."
– Brian Tracy, Speaker, Author and Success Expert
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