The Speakers’ Breakfast Club

Join us for the second edition of the Speakers Breakfast Club, where we can come together over a cup of coffee, exchange ideas, and collectively address the common challenges that our industry presents. It’s a distinctive opportunity to connect, learn, and engage in meaningful discussions before diving into the workday ahead.
The Speakers’ Breakfast Club
Date/Time: 21st Sep, 8 AM to 9.30 AM
Venue: Group Therapy Coffee, Street Cross Exchange, 181 South Bridge Road
We understand the importance of fostering a community where professionals can connect, collaborate, and contribute too, besides learning from each other. This morning will be an excellent opportunity for you to gain new perspectives, and build valuable relationships within the community,
Please RSVP/ sign up by 18th Sep as we have a limited capacity! 
$15 (member)/ $20 (non-member) for a coffee and a brekka item from a curated menu (we’ve gone hard out on getting you a warm vibe and a warm bite at a very reasonable price!)
Feel free to invite guests/ industry colleagues who might also benefit from this morning. And of course, bring along an open mind for engaging discussions, you never know where you might find a partner or a referral for yourself.



Sep 21 2023


8:00 am - 10:00 am


Group Therapy Coffee
Group Therapy Coffee
Cross Street Exchange, 181 South Bridge Road #01-05 & #K1-04 S058743
QR Code

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