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Khyati Kapai

Khyati Kapai is the Founder and Principal Consultant of Yzer Solutions Pte Ltd, a learning and development consultancy. She has been teaching, training, facilitating and coaching since 2001. She is based in Singapore and grew up in Hong Kong. Khyati has worked internationally supporting clients from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds including investment bankers in Shanghai, engineers in Singapore, ministry officials in Cambodia, and luxury retailers in Europe. She has also taught as an Adjunct Lecturer at Nanyang Technological University, teaching Communication Management to business undergraduates. She is a Faculty member for Time To Think Ltd offering courses in the Thinking Environment which is based on the work of Nancy Kline.

Before moving to the talent development industry, Khyati worked in Hong Kong as a Financial Analyst for Citigroup and as an Auditor for Deloitte & Touche. She is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with ACCA-UK.

Professional Speaking Background

Khyati is an avid public speaker giving motivational talks, conducting lunch & learn sessions and chairing public forums including participation in events such as the Public Sector Women in Leadership Summit, Startup & SME Academy (Dutch Embassy of Singapore) and the Get in the Ring Conference. She has delivered numerous talks related to her professional background on topics such as Maximize Your Return on Interactions (ROI)TM, Values-in-Communication, Cultivating a Win-Win Mindset, Gaining Control of One’s Work and Assertive Writing.

She has conducted training in Public Speaking and Presentation Skills to government officials in Southeast Asia as part of the Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Initiative for ASEAN Integration. She also delivers training programs on Impromptu Speaking.

Facilitation Background

Khyati specializes in the areas of Interpersonal Communication and Positivity-Led Performance. She has designed and delivered sessions for numerous topics including Leadership Communication, Cross-Cultural Communication, Multi-generational Communication and Executive Presence. She is the only licensed trainer in Hong Kong offering the Happiness Advantage-Orange Frog workshop based on the work of Shawn Achor. She has worked with clients across the region including Biosensors International, Ban Leong Technologies, Hewlett Packard, Mitsubishi Electric, and ST Kinetics.

Khyati is a Thiagi Certified Facilitator underscoring her commitment to experiential-based learning. She has designed a series of Yzer Strategy Cards on various topics including Leadership Strategies and Effective Dialogues, which are used as a training and learning resource. As a Time to Think Faculty member, Khyati also certifies participants to become accredited facilitators with Time to Think Ltd by offering facilitator training courses

Khyati has an Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA) awarded by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency. She also has a Post Graduate Certificate in Education from the University of London. She is also a certified ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher and has published three books.

Executive Coaching Background

Khyati is a certified Time To Think Coach and trained Results Coach (offered by the Neuroleadership Institute, USA). Khyati also incorporates Neurobehavioral Modelling and profiling tools in her coaching practice. Khyati has also attained the PCC credential by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). As a Time to Think Faculty member, Khyati also certifies participants to become accredited coaches with Time to Think Ltd by offering coach training courses that are approved by ICF as Continuing Coaching Education.

Khyati has coached mid-level and senior executives from numerous industries across the region. Her portfolio of coachees includes senior executives from Deloitte & Touche, Natixis Asia Pacific, Carrefour, and Tat Wai. Clients choose to work with Khyati for her rich thinking interventions and evidence-informed approach to learning and behavioural shifts. Khyati enjoys incorporating insights from applied neuroscience and positive psychology to enhance coaching and organisational outcomes. Khyati is known for her warmth and generative presence. Clients recognise the value of her coaching through the reflective breakthroughs they experience in her sessions often uncovering deeply rooted narratives and storylines that may be blocking progress towards personal and organisational goals.

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