Brenda Bence MBA CSP,CSP Global
Brenda is an internationally recognized Executive Leadership Coach, Certified Speaking Professional (CSP, Global CSP), branding expert, and author of numerous award-winning leadership, coaching, and branding books.
In demand as a speaker across six continents, Brenda is noted for her ability to connect with audiences from diverse backgrounds.
Brenda speaks regularly at conferences, conventions, and corporate gatherings – both in person and virtually – and brings to each speaking event her ability to educate, inspire, and motivate, all delivered with a good dose of humor.
Latest Articles

Professional Speakers: How Can You Get Regular and “Real” Feedback
Published on 08/27/2017 under Customer Service, Leadership, Management, Personal Development,
Management guru Ken Blanchard often quotes his friend, Rich Case, as saying, “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” If that is the case, how often and how well are YOU™, as a professional speaker, being fed? If you’re like most professional speakers I’ve met, you aren’t getting enough real, authentic feedback about your performance. The […]

How to Avoid Saying “Yes” When You Really Want to Say “No”—Strategies for Success
Published on 05/16/2017 under Leadership, Management, Personal Development,
If you’re like most of the busy executives I work with as an executive coach and corporate trainer/speaker, your day may go something like this: Headquarters wants your profit projections for next quarter a week in advance of when you and your team had planned. There’s a line of direct reports outside your office door waiting to meet […]

Do You Believe this Personal Branding Myth, Too? “Personal Branding Is All About Self-Promotion.”
Published on 04/13/2017 under Branding, Leadership, Personal Development,
This couldn’t be further from the truth! True personal branding is not superficial. It’s more about understanding who you – and, therefore, ‘YOU™’ – are. That’s right – the Trademarked You. But just like in corporate branding, no matter how much money a company spends on marketing its brands, product brands aren’t all about promotion […]

How Great Self-Leaders Influence Others — Even Without Title or Authority
Published on 01/08/2017 under Communication /Voice, Management, Marketing, Organisation Development, Productivity, Team Building
My executive coaching client, Mei, had just received a high-visibility promotion. It would shift her from leading the sales function (with full profit and loss responsibility) to taking over a regional sales job in charge of 11 countries. However, with this new move, P&L responsibility would remain with the 11 country heads. Her new regional […]