Branding Culture Organisation Development

Why Employee Engagement is Important to Any Brand’s Success


Do you feel like you are the only one holding your company together?
Employee engagement became a focus in the 1990’s when it was apparent employee satisfaction could be high, yet brand’s failed consistently.
Employee engagement is about employees feeling passionate about their work, committed to company goals, and consistently making a great effort to do their job the best they can.
If you are the boss, no one ‘below’ you should be working harder on your brand than you. The CEO? He should be the hardest working person of all.
Despite this, your brand’s success can ride on overall employee engagement. Studies of employee engagement levels vary a lot. Some are fully engaged, some engaged enough and there’re others who are toxic to the company.

Preventing Headhunters Being Successful

New and innovative companies are looking to break into every industry today. They’re willing to headhunt too. If you want to ensure your brand’s long-term success, engagement is crucial to ensure your employees won’t automatically take the sweeter deal.
Of course, people have people they need to look after. Despite how much they love working in a company, salary will always play a role.

Employees Spend Their Day In The Trenches With A Valuable View

Employees are spending every day working in the business, not on the business. It’s a small change in wording, but it’s a big difference. Brand leaders are often focused on the long-term direction of the company.
Employees, however, get to see everything on the ground floor. They’ll notice trends that others can’t; they’ll see areas where improvement can happen and opportunities to make the company better.

Loyalty Is Invaluable

Employee loyalty is massive. Onboarding costs are huge and then you have to train people. If your employee engagement is high, you’ll have fewer employees seeking out other jobs. With a high turnover rate as a result of weak employee engagement, brands can become dysfunctional fast.

Spreading Negative Energy Is Toxic

It’s easier to talk about things that are negative than positive. Often there’ll be a small portion of employees who speak about their employer negatively. They’ll do the absolute bare minimum but aren’t going to quit anytime soon.
Their negative attitude (conscious or not) is contagious. Once the negative thoughts start spreading, their colleagues could take it all on board, and they too might start being a less engaged employee.

Higher Engagement Leads To Higher Productivity

We can do everything related to social, banking and personal needs thanks to our mobile phones. With such easy access to our phones, many employees will take the liberty to do the bare minimum of work and spend the rest of the time not working, yet are still getting paid. If they are highly engaged, they’ll seek out other ways they can contribute.

Increased Transparency

Meetings have to happen regardless of how much you try and avoid them. With a high level of employee engagement, these meetings will be highly productive. Everyone will be active, sharing thoughts and ideas. If there’s no employee engagement, there will be no healthy debate and a whole load of opportunities will be lost.
Even if the employees disagree with things that happen in the meeting, they’ll go with the flow as they just want to get work done and get home.

There’s no shortage of research relating to employee engagement. Many of these studies take employee engagement as either engaged or not engaged. In reality, employee engagement sways up and down on a scale constantly. As long as key decision makers have a pulse on the overall levels of employee engagement, there’s every chance of ensuring a brand’s ongoing success.

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